Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Never tell your trainer you have a playground near you...
Him: here put this knapsack on with 16pounds of weight and some other stuff in it and let's jog there(to the park)
Me: uh really?
Him: Ya get going!
Me: uh ok...puts on bag and waddles/jogs over there and is quite red faced by the time we get there
Him: Ok 2 mins of step ups on the bench to warm up then 1min each leg of single leg ups then jog over to the stairs and use the bands to do upper body twists and then over to the BOSU for squats then do lateral shuffles to the slide for push ups (ME: you do remember one hand is in a cast right???) then jog over pick up the bag and the run the circuit I gave you. I will time the run so you can try to beat it....ok? Let's go
Me: Are you freaking serious?
Him: Yes now get going - we need to do this 3 times before we move on
Me: WE...where is the WE in this? *grumbles a bit more then starts"
Him: Ok done the 3 times..let's finish running up and down these stairs 9 times and once you get to the top we will finish with 6 steps up with that big step"
Me: Uh can I just TRY to catch my breath and try not to puke from the first thing? *grumbles, rasps for breath, and whines* but then gets to starting....
Him: (on the walk back): There didn't that feel great
Me: no answer as i am trying to breathe with my tomato face
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Take: 123456789.098765431..AND GO
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
may 9th I ran
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday May 2, 2009: Ran today and an update
I ran today. First run with my cast. I *technically* was told not to run but I cannot see how it would upset the healing since I kept it pretty steady AND the cast is so snug.
10 and 1's was the plan and towards the end it became 4 and 1's as I was getting hot and tired and frankly am out of shape;)
I felt good I ran and will either walk or run today as well. However I am feeling (it was today this came up) very lonely in my training and left behind. I am not sure if I feel *I* left myself behind or feel left behind from others.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Still going on...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
First outdoor ride of the season and first time in pedals
Today was the way I was going to get on my bike and try to learn to clip in and out. I got up and had some breakfast, got the bike off the trainer, got on some bike clothes and decided to head out before thinking about it too long. I had not planned on going far so I did not have any bodyglide or cycling shorts on. I am sure that I clipped out way too early at most lights, stop signs, practice stops but I figure better safe than sorry for the first few times. I was feeling pretty good and pretty excited to be out for my first outdoor ride of the season. I am out of shape on my bike but that is ok because that can be fixed with training. There were a few times where I felt I could not keep riding but again that has more to do with my first ride and me needing to put more time in the saddle than anything else. At one point on the way back I was ready to stop and sit for a bit and then I came across McKay Blvd and somehow for some reason (wink wink) I felt a push to go on. I found some great stretches of the road where I did not have to stop too much but practiced clipping in and out - out is by far easier than in but I managed it.
I was coming up to the end of my ride (21.5K) and turned into my condo and the gatehouse guy was putting the gate up and down, up and down so I decided to stop and walk my bike the rest of the way...ya STOP...and forgetting I was clipped in I fell right in front of the gatehouse security guy. He just sat there and then came out of the gatehouse and said "Uh are you ok?" I then explained I had been practicing with my new shoes...and did GREAT ..until now LOL!
Great things: I got out on the bike and enjoyed it - and did not freak out. I fell and did not die of pain or embarrassment.
Not so great: my wrist freaking hurts and is swelling like crazy despite icing.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I guess if you are going to lift
Monday, April 13, 2009
New version of training: hopefully temporary
My new training method has a name: Improptu
My new training partner has a name: Colitis
I pray both are temporary.
I ran yesterday 6K.
My new training partner has a name: Colitis
I pray both are temporary.
I ran yesterday 6K.
Friday, April 10, 2009
This week has
Not been my most stellar week. Again I have been having colitis/bowel issues so getting out for a run is not on the top of my list as: 1. I have not been eating that much so energy is low and 2. running seems to, at times, get things going and this is something I do NOT need when my colitis is active.
I was really down on thursday as it took me 4 tries to get to work in the morning due to having to go to the bathroom - but today is a new day and I will try to get out for at least a walk.
I was really down on thursday as it took me 4 tries to get to work in the morning due to having to go to the bathroom - but today is a new day and I will try to get out for at least a walk.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wednesday April 8 2009
IBS and training do not mix
Yesterday was supposed to be a run and a swim. Yesterday the only exercise I got was going from the bathroom to couch or bed. It was a rough, rough day. It hit me emotionally as well as physically.
Today is a workout with T., my trainer and then a swim. I woke up feeling not too bad stomach wise and hope it continues so I can get both in. Tonight will be my first swim workout designed by E. instead of swimming laps.
Rough day yesterday but the good thing is that is behind me and a glorious day is before me.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday April 5th
On the schedule for today 5K run and 30min swim.
I did the run. Wearing the IT band is helping. My body seems to remember running a bit more now which is good and I am not fighting my mental negativity as much during my runs:)
I need to my swim still. Swim done - 30mins = 1000m. I kept getting a cramp on my right side just under my breast, like the top of my ribs. If I would breathe on that side it was not as bad but it was enough to slow me down and make me want to stop. I even did 2 lengths with the flutter board just kicking and 1 breaststroke and 1 side stroke until it calmed down a little. Also there were there annoying people who were in the laps lane...a boyfriend trying to teach his girlfriend how to swim. While I applaud their effort I would have appreciated that they not do this in the fitness swim lane,
I am going to post daily to not only track my training but my food as well. In talking with a dietitian it seems that the healthiest I have felt in terms of my digestion and colitis is a low carb, high protein and frequent eating system. So time to play with it and see what happens.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Trainer workout
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Just keep swimming and just keep running...
On the schedule today 30mins in the pool and a 5K run. So hit the Y after work and did 30mins in the pool for 1100m. I need help on my form cause it just feels sloppy but I am glad I got the time in and did front crawl the whole way. It was not super hard but I definitely felt liked I worked in the pool. I felt pretty good about going home to run...then sat in the car for a few minutes and the thought of laying on the couch was a much better option BUT I was determined to do it.
I got home and changed into my running gear before I could change my mind and off I went. It was not too bad - not as painful in the ITB/pirifromis area as it usually is and it feels like my body is remembering how to run- fingers crossed this continues.
All in all- not a bad day for training....not bad at all!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Weights and swim night
Just finished the session with T..again too much to list but there were weights (10 and 15lbs...heavy for now:( )and a bosu ball, discs, and push ups and squats and lunges and some burpee type things and there was very little whining this time. I am trying to be positive and accept the challenges. I have a swim tonight to do but first grabbing something to eat and rest up.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday March 31, 2009
I ran today!!! I am so excited to be able to type that. I have had a rough two weeks with how I feel about myself and my training combined. The conditions were wonderful, sunny but not hot, breeze but not gusty. I did (oops almost typed ONLY but not going to do that negativity) 4k and had to walk a bit at the end. I think once I go back to wearing my IT strap it will help stop that..that and do my stretches/stick.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday: Yoga night
Tonight was Yoga. Sue had planned a Yin yoga and restorative night.
Yin Yoga has the same goals and objectives as any other school of yoga; however, it directs the stimulation normally created in the asana portion of the practice deeper than the superficial or muscular tissues (which we are calling the yang tissues). Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even the joints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of asana practice.
I feel very settled after, except for the raging headache. Although I suspect that has more to do with the weather.
So this week the program will not own me. I will own it.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
...AAAND take 3 on week 3 I CAN DO THIS
Monday - Yoga
Tuesday - run - 4k - swim - 30 minutes- try for 44 lengths this time (or 22 laps, whichever is easier for you to count)
Wednesday - morning - bike - 45 minutes - continue the same workout as last week, (option- go one gear harder) - weights at night
Thursday - run - 5k - 30 minutes swim - same as Tuesday
Friday - might do tuesdays swim tonight depending on stuff.
Saturday - 45 minute bike - same as Wednesday
Sunday - 5k run - if you feel good, 30 minute swim
Tuesday - run - 4k - swim - 30 minutes- try for 44 lengths this time (or 22 laps, whichever is easier for you to count)
Wednesday - morning - bike - 45 minutes - continue the same workout as last week, (option- go one gear harder) - weights at night
Thursday - run - 5k - 30 minutes swim - same as Tuesday
Friday - might do tuesdays swim tonight depending on stuff.
Saturday - 45 minute bike - same as Wednesday
Sunday - 5k run - if you feel good, 30 minute swim
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Week 4 AKA week 3 done right
Monday - off
Tuesday - run - 4k -
Wednesday - morning - bike - 45 minutes - continue the same workout as last week, (option- go one gear harder) - weights at night
Thursday - run - 5k -
Friday - off
Saturday - 45 minute bike - same as Wednesday
Sunday - 5k run - if you feel good, 30 minute swim
Tuesday - run - 4k -
Wednesday - morning - bike - 45 minutes - continue the same workout as last week, (option- go one gear harder) - weights at night
Thursday - run - 5k -
Friday - off
Saturday - 45 minute bike - same as Wednesday
Sunday - 5k run - if you feel good, 30 minute swim
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I need a do over/Mulligan....
I need a do over for this past week. I was having 2 good weeks and then some health stuff cropped up. However I think there was also some fear in there as well. Fear that I was starting to do what I knew I could so I freaked a bit. I need to be prepared for when this crops up again - cause it has in the past and I am sure it might in the future.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday March 16, 2009: Oh squats how I HATE thee
Is there such a thing as death by squats? I really think there might be. I think it may have been attempted today, along with wall sits, jump squats, push ups, burpees, squatting shoulder presses etc.
Again I cannot recall all I did but it felt like an hour of torture.
I am sure my knees must be having a discussion asking what on earth I am doing to them.
Yoga tonight: S. said be prepared to sweat...and sweat we did.
Week three according to E
Monday - Yoga and swim if you had time
Had to switch Wednesday's weights workout to today as I have my neieces on Wednesday. So today yoga (and she said we would sweat...nooooooo!), weights and if i can get to the pool in time, a swim.
Tuesday - run - 4k - swim - 30 minutes- try for 44 lengths this time (or 22 laps, whichever is easier for you to count)
Wednesday - morning - bike - 45 minutes - continue the same workout as last week, (option- go one gear harder) - weights at night
no weights today- did monday
Thursday - run - 5k - 30 minutes swim - same as Tuesday
Friday - off
Saturday - 45 minute bike - same as Wednesday
Sunday - 5k run - if you feel good, 30 minute swim
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sunday: Eye of the Tiger
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Just keep spinning...just keep spinning...
I did the same 45min workout on the trainer.
1. I cannot seem to count...last time I did the 45min workout I did in reality 50mins. This time 40mins. I have been using my ipod stopwatch and I hate it as I have to keep picking it up to check the time. It is especially annoying when I am trying to time my one leg drills.
2. I was freaking tired today and was really sweating within 10minutes - as if I had been riding for 45mins
3. I kept going and did the workout.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Run night
4K was supposed to be done tomorrow but I am visiting with my parents so decided to do it tonight. I was hungry before I started my run. I have not been feeling right so not eating much during the day. I start my day off with the Vega shake but other than that, some fruit and maybe half a bagel if I can stomach it at work.
I felt better than the previous runs in terms of it being a bit easier mentally. My negative thoughts were not as bad (or the ipod helped to drown them out ..lol) and it was not until near the end that my shins and outside left knee began to ache. Stretching is in order tonight and tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Weight training with the personal trainer and a swim today
Just finished my workout with the personal trainer. I want to flake out on the couch for now but need to refuel a bit for a bit before doing the swim that is on tonight's schedule.
What was the workout...too tired and cranky to type. Let's just say there was squats, lots, dead lifts, up/downs, chest presses, running, curls, back extensions and wall sits...and a few others I think my memory is trying to block out...lol
Swim was ok but lane was freaking busy! There was only one lane as lessons were going on. I did 30mins as I was supposed to. I did 40 lengths.
I am tired...sleepy time
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A bike for one please.
Today was a swim but the pool is closed from 430-8pm for kids swim classes and I did not want to swim late as sometimes it wakes me up. So I asked E. to switch tomorrow's bike with today's swim and he said ok. As I was coming home from work and after school club I SO did not want to do my bike or a swim or a run or anything other than grabbing take out and sitting my ass on the couch. BUT THAT WAS NEVER AN OPTION..SO...
I came home, changed and got my ass on the bike after an inspiring text message from E.
It was like a spin class for one (get the title...hahaha!) with the 45min workout he laid out for me.
A sweaty Lesley after I was done but a Lesley who is ready to eat something and then settle in to watch The Biggest Loser.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Monday March 9, 2009: Run Day
Yup. Running is still hard for me. 4K was on the schedule and I slogged through it all. I took two walk breaks and my soleus on both sides is as tight as a hot strippers backside! I came home and stretched and will stretch again and maybe even use the stick if needed.
Did I really use to run distances like 15K....
Remember where you are and go from there. I heard that once and I need to remind myself of this.
Week 2 according to E.
Monday – 4k run
Tuesday – 30 min. swim
Wednesday – 45 min. bike in the morning and weights in the evening
Thursday – off
Friday – 4k run
Saturday – 45 min. bike
Sunday – 4k run
Tuesday – 30 min. swim
Wednesday – 45 min. bike in the morning and weights in the evening
Thursday – off
Friday – 4k run
Saturday – 45 min. bike
Sunday – 4k run
Saturday or Sunday 30 mins swim
Bike workout – these will be the same this week as what we did on Saturday. For the moment, I want you to become a bit more efficient and comfortable on the bike before we put you through tougher workouts.
5 minutes easy spin w/up
go up to a harder gear
30 seconds at a higher cadence and rest for 30 seconds repeat 5 times
one legged drills – 15 sec each side and then 30 seconds quick spin – 5 sets
easy spin for 2 minutes
go into your middle ring and find a gear you can pedal for 15 minutes – this is NOT to be an easy gear to push through
easy spin in a easy gear for 3 minutes
one legged drills - 15 sec each side and then 30 seconds quick spin – 5 sets
10 seconds at a higher cadence and rest for 20 seconds repeat 5 times
5 min. easy gear for cool down
points to remember – cooling down spin is very important…lets your legs relax after your workout
focus on keeping your left knee in
focus on a smooth pedal stroke – push down with the balls of your feet, scrape the mud off your shoes across the bottom and kick yourself with the heel as you come around
Bike workout – these will be the same this week as what we did on Saturday. For the moment, I want you to become a bit more efficient and comfortable on the bike before we put you through tougher workouts.
5 minutes easy spin w/up
go up to a harder gear
30 seconds at a higher cadence and rest for 30 seconds repeat 5 times
one legged drills – 15 sec each side and then 30 seconds quick spin – 5 sets
easy spin for 2 minutes
go into your middle ring and find a gear you can pedal for 15 minutes – this is NOT to be an easy gear to push through
easy spin in a easy gear for 3 minutes
one legged drills - 15 sec each side and then 30 seconds quick spin – 5 sets
10 seconds at a higher cadence and rest for 20 seconds repeat 5 times
5 min. easy gear for cool down
points to remember – cooling down spin is very important…lets your legs relax after your workout
focus on keeping your left knee in
focus on a smooth pedal stroke – push down with the balls of your feet, scrape the mud off your shoes across the bottom and kick yourself with the heel as you come around
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Ohhhhhhhh so that is what bike drills are..
Friday, March 6, 2009
March 6, 2009
No I did not break my arm, while riding my bike. I was looking for my bike picture and saw this and it made me giggle.
45mins on the trainer tonight- very easy constant spinning to try to loosen the legs. Sadly my quads are still screaming with pain from Wednesday's leg workout then run.
This weekend....a bike session with E (I think) and then a 5K on Sunday. This 5k will be done in Scarb. as I will be visiting my mom.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Why I wish I was a guy OR a humble restart
Dear lord! My quads are killing me. I started back with the trainer and I realized that I AM OUT OF SHAPE.
When did I realize this? I realized this during the workout and run yesterday.
When did I FEEL this? When I woke up and got out of bed and then went to the bathroom. I realized it when I wished I was a guy and never had to sit down to pee..cause I was not sure if my quads were going to allow me to stand up again.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wed March 4, 2009
Weights and run day
The plan:
My first session with the new personal trainer - 50mins.
Actual: I met up with T. the new personal trainer today. He sure seems like he can work someone out...oh I am in crap. We started with shoulder presses for 30 seconds then putting them down and doing suicides. We did 3 sets of these. Then push ups for 30 seconds and then suicides. Again, 3 sets. He then set up a small circuit of squats, back extensions, and plie type things while doing dumbbell curls. 2 rounds of the circuit. He then set up another circuit of cable rows on the bosu, an ab exercise and flys on the other bosu. After this was wall sits 2 mins then up to do squats on your toes, back to wall sit for 1 min, up to the do toe thing, wall sit for .5min and then toe thing. We ended with some standing side leg lift things.
I then felt bad about missing the rest of yesterdays run so went out and slogged through 4K. I somehow think along the way I forgot how to run. It was pretty demoralizing at some points but I keep reminding myself that I am pretty much a beginner again. I got out, I ran.
Body: left side ITband and piriformis area hurt now..I did some stretches and will do more tonight
OOOOOOhhhhhhhh the road back seems to be a long one.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tuesday: Bike
Okay so tonight's workout 45 minutes
10 minutes easy pedal to warm up
In middle ring on front and 5 rings up from the bottom. Pick up the pace for 30seconds. Slow down and easy pedal for 1 minute. Repeat 5 times
Go to an easier gear and ride easy for 5 minutes.
Go back to previous gear and add one harder. Pick up the pace for 30 seconds. Slow down and easy pedal for 1 minute. Repeat5 times
Go to an easier gear and ride easy for 5 minutes. 10 minute easy spin for cool down
So that was my plan that was sent to me. I admit to being a total bike noob so I do not know (duh me) when I am in what 'ring' so I just went by feel...I felt better tonight that in the past rides on the trainer but still need some help figuring out how to use it.
I had a run for tonight but I am utterly mentally spent today due to my Nana and work issues so my ass is getting up tomorrow to run. Yay (said with the utmost sincerity)
This week according to E
Monday: rest
Tuesday: you will start with a 4k run...TM or road (thispreferable ) in the morning and a bike in the evening for 40 minutes.
Wednesday: you will have weights in the evening.
Thursday: you will have a 45 minute bike..mostly drills....it'll get you in thehabit of good skills.
Friday: Off.
Saturday...run day. 5k. Outside.
Sunday.: 45 minute bike.
Tuesday: you will start with a 4k run...TM or road (thispreferable ) in the morning and a bike in the evening for 40 minutes.
Wednesday: you will have weights in the evening.
Thursday: you will have a 45 minute bike..mostly drills....it'll get you in thehabit of good skills.
Friday: Off.
Saturday...run day. 5k. Outside.
Sunday.: 45 minute bike.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Been reading old race reports
I think I am going to sign up for the Good Friday 5K this year. I think it will be my first race of the season so I can set my goals based on what I can do there because I have no clue what I can and cannot do running wise anymore.
I was reading race reports and it has made me want to not only run again but set some racing goals. I can do this. I want to do this. I need to do this. I was reading my Mud Run report(picture above is from that run), St. Paddy's Day report, My first half report, Backs in Motion, My horrid Chilly report, HBC etc. and I could remember each day when I read that report and even on those bad runs/races I felt like a runner.
I was reading race reports and it has made me want to not only run again but set some racing goals. I can do this. I want to do this. I need to do this. I was reading my Mud Run report(picture above is from that run), St. Paddy's Day report, My first half report, Backs in Motion, My horrid Chilly report, HBC etc. and I could remember each day when I read that report and even on those bad runs/races I felt like a runner.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Love of running
I did love running. I loved a schedule, I loved the feeling while running, I loved finishing and logging a run. I loved being all sweaty and feeling accomplished. I loved knowing that I ran that little bit further or faster. I loved a new route and most of the time I loved hills. I did not love the beginnig of a run, almost every single time. I would spend the first 5-10mins wondering what on earth I was doing to my body and why I was not doing something else less stressing to my body and mind. Eventually my body would win over and send signals to my mind that we were, in fact enjoying this.
The picture, as tiny as it is, is from my first half marathon. It was Scotiabank and I trained really hard for it and was so proud of my efforts. As soon as I was done I realized how proud I felt and how much I then wanted to beat my time one day.
I guess the only way I will find my love of running is by uhhhhh ummm actually getting out there and run!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Trainer today
I think the trainer and I am going to go through some serious growing pains while we get to know each other. I hopped on again today and yes, after 10mins (maybe even 5) there I was sweating and breathing pretty hard. This thing is kicking my ass!
Never mind that my ass needs some kicking (and slimming). I managed to make it to 40minutes. I played around a little with the gears and think I might be starting to understanding what E. is saying to me about my bike...sorta..kinda. I am getting there.
Speaking of E. I met with him on Friday and we talked about what I want from a program and what I need and what he thinks I need. Hopefully my program will be ready soon and I can get going. Until then, I will use the treadmill and trainer.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Fit piece A into piece B...where do the rest go?
My desire to train again is back and my overall physical and mental health is improving. However how on earth do I fit everything in!???! I work from 8-5 each day at school and other than about a total of 10mins throughout the day when I need to pee I am never away from my class. I am teaching, helping, coaching, running a club or preparing for the next lesson. I spend an hour after school at meetings, planning, trying to mark or giving extra help. By the time I get home it is 5:30, I grab some food and then most nights I work at home. Home is the one place I can mark books/tests/assignments without interruptions. But then where do I fit in taking care of me and what I like. How can I swim/bike/run?
I have my trainer in my living room which I think will help with the biking. I can do 20mins or more on that a night. But I am finding it really hard to get in the running and swimming. If I spend the night doing that (which I would rather!) then I have a pile of paperwork waiting for me.
I know that I am writing this during one of the worst times in teaching - second term reporting! It comes so quickly after term 1 that fitting in all I have to teach and assess feels next to impossible.
I guess I need to try to balance it more...just don't see how at the moment.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Coochie Comfort: From ritchey.com
Well, well, well the things you have to learn about while tri-training.
For Women Only: A Guide to Coochie Comfort on the Bike By Katie Lambden
Pain and discomfort in the genital region is a common problem encountered by women as they begin cycling regularly or more seriously. This guide, by women and for women, is intended to address some common questions, outline potential causes of discomfort, and recommend ways to mitigate them.
Problem #1: Bruising of "sit bones"
Although this isn't strictly a women's cycling problem, it's worth addressing since it has to do with the saddle/rear interface. Typically, this problem affects people sitting in a fairly upright position (on a mountain bike or hybrid). It occurs because the "sit bones" (technically the Ischial Tuberosities of the pelvis) are bearing the weight of the body and are pressed uncomfortably against the saddle.Solution:
Padded cycling shorts are a must to combat this problem. First, the synthetic "chamois" (pronounced "shammy") insert of the shorts will help pad the sit bones with the built-in cushioning. Second, the padding is seamless, which ensures that no stitching or raised seams will "dig" into your skin at pressure points, compounding the problem. For this reason, it is essential that the padded shorts are worn without underwear, as they are intended to be.
A comfortable saddle with enough padding where the sit bones hit can really help. The saddle doesn't necessarily have to be wide; just wide enough to properly support your sit bones. This width varies from person to person. Also, make sure your saddle is not too high: having to reach for the pedals can cause your hips to rock from side to side, increasing friction and pressure.
Shifting your position occasionally while you ride (forward or backward on the saddle), or pedaling standing up for a few seconds, can relieve pressure and allow you to ride longer before bruising sets in.
Usually this problem will diminish naturally over time, as the skin and muscles of your rear become accustomed to your seated position on the bike. Sometimes, small callus-like hardening of the skin will even form, which protect you.
Padded cycling shorts are a must to combat this problem. First, the synthetic "chamois" (pronounced "shammy") insert of the shorts will help pad the sit bones with the built-in cushioning. Second, the padding is seamless, which ensures that no stitching or raised seams will "dig" into your skin at pressure points, compounding the problem. For this reason, it is essential that the padded shorts are worn without underwear, as they are intended to be.
A comfortable saddle with enough padding where the sit bones hit can really help. The saddle doesn't necessarily have to be wide; just wide enough to properly support your sit bones. This width varies from person to person. Also, make sure your saddle is not too high: having to reach for the pedals can cause your hips to rock from side to side, increasing friction and pressure.
Shifting your position occasionally while you ride (forward or backward on the saddle), or pedaling standing up for a few seconds, can relieve pressure and allow you to ride longer before bruising sets in.
Usually this problem will diminish naturally over time, as the skin and muscles of your rear become accustomed to your seated position on the bike. Sometimes, small callus-like hardening of the skin will even form, which protect you.
Problem #2: Chafing or Friction
Chafing of the skin at the upper/inner thigh and the outer/inner labia can result when sweaty skin rubs against clothing or the saddle. Sometimes this friction is experienced as an uncomfortable sensation of heat, and sometimes it can actually cause raw sores where the top layer of skin has been rubbed away.Solution:
Again, a cycling-specific short really helps in this situation. A tight-fitting Lycra blend short with padded "chamois" insert serves several purposes.
Again, a cycling-specific short really helps in this situation. A tight-fitting Lycra blend short with padded "chamois" insert serves several purposes.
First, the tight fit of the short prevents wrinkles in the fabric which can worsen chafing, and also makes sure there's no skin-to-skin friction. Second, the synthetic blend actually wicks away sweat from the skin and dries much more quickly than cotton, minimizing dampness (another contributor to chafing).
Chamois cream, a long-lasting lubricating substance (often based on lanolin or mineral oil) can make a huge difference in preventing chafing. Some women prefer to apply it directly to the skin, like applying diaper cream to a baby's bottom. (Put it wherever you feel friction when you ride; this can be along the bikini line and all along the inner thigh and outer labia.) Some women instead apply it to the padded "chamois" of the shorts. Try both ways to see what works for you. If applying directly to the skin, anywhere from a tablespoon to 2 tablespoons should be sufficient, depending on how long you plan to ride (more cream for longer distance). Slightly more may be needed if applying to the chamois before putting on the shorts.
Chamois cream, a long-lasting lubricating substance (often based on lanolin or mineral oil) can make a huge difference in preventing chafing. Some women prefer to apply it directly to the skin, like applying diaper cream to a baby's bottom. (Put it wherever you feel friction when you ride; this can be along the bikini line and all along the inner thigh and outer labia.) Some women instead apply it to the padded "chamois" of the shorts. Try both ways to see what works for you. If applying directly to the skin, anywhere from a tablespoon to 2 tablespoons should be sufficient, depending on how long you plan to ride (more cream for longer distance). Slightly more may be needed if applying to the chamois before putting on the shorts.
Chafing of the inner labia can also sometimes result, causing significant pain (especially when jumping in the shower after the ride - owwww!). The best way to prevent this is to make sure you're properly "adjusted" before getting on the saddle - no internal wrinkles or folds, as far as possible. If you feel a hot spot starting while you're riding, the ideal thing is to be able to stop, reach down your shorts, and make an adjustment. Without rearranging the soft tissues that are being squished and chafed, it's only going to get worse. Also, the right saddle can go a long way in minimizing the chafing/squishing of internal soft tissues. For many women, a saddle with a groove or cutout in the middle can take pressure off the labia and make the difference between misery and happy riding.
If chafing results in a red, irritated area, or if a small area of skin has actually been rubbed away, you can try an over-the-counter medicated ointment or salve to speed the healing (such as Bag Balm).
Problem #3: Saddle Sores
Saddle sores are caused when chafing and pressure result in an open sore which becomes infected. These are mostly seen in the skin around the sit bones, where pressure is greatest. Sometimes, small pimple-like bumps (caused by infected hair follicles) are the first indication of a problem. Left untreated, and with continued irritation (i.e. more hours in the saddle) these can progress to larger infected abscesses.Solution:
If this happens, give yourself a break! Stop riding until the infection clears up. You can try taking a hot bath with Epsom salts (available in any drug store and most groceries). You can apply a medicated balm (such as Bag Balm) to aid the healing.
Good hygiene is essential. Always wash your shorts after wearing them. (The padding in bike shorts is called a chamois because in earlier times it was actually made of chamois leather. However, these days it is generally made of a synthetic, seamless material often with antibacterial properties; this aids in fighting saddle sores, but generally it is safest to wear the shorts only once before washing.)
All of the suggestions above for limiting chafing/friction will help against developing saddle sores.
All of the suggestions above for limiting chafing/friction will help against developing saddle sores.
Problem #4: Yeast Infections
Many women suffer from yeast infections due to the heat and insulation of wearing a chamois. Nothing is worse than riding a bike with a yeast infection, so don't torture yourself!Solution:
Limit the amount of "chamois time" (i.e. time spent in bike shorts). The longer the heavy synthetic padding closes off ventilation in your genital area, the more susceptible you will become to a yeast infection. Change immediately when you get home: don't do errands in spandex.
Limit the amount of "chamois time" (i.e. time spent in bike shorts). The longer the heavy synthetic padding closes off ventilation in your genital area, the more susceptible you will become to a yeast infection. Change immediately when you get home: don't do errands in spandex.
Avoid using chamois cream IN your inner labia area. Many chamois creams include antibacterial agents as preservatives. When your body's natural bacteria are under attack, the yeast population tends to grow, causing the uncomfortable symptoms of yeast infection. In other words, natural (and necessary) bacteria work to keep yeast in check, so don't kill those bacteria.
In a similar vein, taking probiotic capsules (found at health food stores) MAY help bolster your natural bacteria populations and control yeast without resorting to medication.
In a similar vein, taking probiotic capsules (found at health food stores) MAY help bolster your natural bacteria populations and control yeast without resorting to medication.
Problem #5: Numbness of the Genitals
Research in the past couple decades has shown a risk of genital numbness and pain in the perineal area from pressure caused by the bicycle saddle. This risk is generally discussed in terms of erectile dysfunction in men; however, women do also sometimes experience numbness. One possible cause includes pressure/damage to the perineal nerve. Solution:
Your saddle's shape is key. If you are experiencing numbness or pain, you should seek a saddle with a cutout or groove in the middle. This design decreases pressure on the perineal area (the space between vaginal opening and the anus), in turn giving some relief to the perineal nerve which runs through the perineum.
Your saddle's shape is key. If you are experiencing numbness or pain, you should seek a saddle with a cutout or groove in the middle. This design decreases pressure on the perineal area (the space between vaginal opening and the anus), in turn giving some relief to the perineal nerve which runs through the perineum.
The width of the saddle may also be an issue. Depending on how wide your sit bones are, and depending on your position on the bike (far forward or relatively upright), you may choose a narrower or wider saddle to meet your needs.
The crucial thing is to address this issue as soon as it becomes apparent. If you ignore genital numbness or pain, nerve damage can become permanent; so find a solution while your numbness or pain is still reversible. Keep in mind that the issues you may face can vary with your position on the bike, your saddle choice, the amount of hours you spend riding, etc.
So as your cycling habits change, keep taking stock of your "coochie comfort" and adjust your regimen as necessary. And please don't be embarrassed to ask for help from your local bike shop girls, since whatever your issue, we've probably been through it before!
Katie Lambden is a former professional road cyclist with 6 years of experience as a serious "biker chick." She started out in 2001 as a cyclo-tourist, riding unsupported across the U.S. along with a friend. Having fallen hard for the two-wheeled life, she began working in the bike industry after finishing the cross-country trip. She started racing in 2002, and by 2003 was competing in national-level events. As a full-time racer for two seasons, Katie celebrated several wins and podium appearances in races throughout the U.S. as well as in Puerto Rico, El Salvador, & Italy. She represented the U.S. National Team at the 2006 Tour de l'Aude in France.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
6am is far too early
I went and did part of (had to be at work by 8am) my friend and tri coach Eric's spin class at Good life. Mornings are not my finest time with my stomach and I was pretty anxious about going to a new and unfamiliar place. So before class even started my heart rate was up....lol.
I got set up, well Eric helped me get set up and off we went. I am wondering what is up with the medication in the sense that I get overheated quickly since taking this...is there a correlation or is my mind playing tricks on me...I made it (i think) about 40mins (needed an emergency pit stop)
I do like the early morning workouts but I just wish I could get the sleep thing in order to do the them regularly.
.....just keep spinning...just keep spinning.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Last summer.
I tried to find my first try-a-tri report but could not on RM so here is the second:
Lakeside (june 8th) (300m/10K/2k) 53:50 -
TOTAL TIME Age group placement: 7/10
Total race placement: 52/ 95
8:25(over all swim time)
2:49(per 100m)
48(bike place)
26:05 (total time)
23.0 (speed)
15:53 (run total)
7:57 (per Km)
Milton (June 1) (375m/10/2.5K)1.02.09 – total time Age group placement 44/69
Overall swim time (14.59)
Swim per m: 4.003
Bike overall: 29.05
Bike 20.6
Run total 18.05 Km/h (7.15)
Well I did Lakeside Give it a try today. It was a differnet distance than Milton so having a hard time comparing them. I was pretty wound up going to the race but luckily I had a LONG drive to try to bring myself down. Once I got there I was still nervous but was trying to get myself ready to face the swim portion. Last weekend Milton felt like it kicked my ass for sure, and the swim scared me. I signed up for this to get back into the open water swim to not build the fear up too much in my head. I got there did my transition area thing, body marked etc and had almost 2 hours to chill and watch the swim start for the triathlon. I chatted with a few people and then it was time to get ready to get in the water..although I did not want to . It was 75m shorter than Milton. I started closer to the back and a bit off to the side. It was a good strategy as I had people behind me but not close to me- I ended up swimming wide around the markers but that was ok with me. I felt pretty good throughout the whole thing and did front crawl the whole way and did not stop once. I must figure out a way to not let my goggles fog. Out of pool and struggle to get wetsuit off and into running shoes (yes no clipless YET for me) and off I go on the bike. I felt pretty strong on the bike this time and played tag with a few girls- in the end 2 finished before me and 4 after . It was soon over and off the bike and off with the helmet and on with the hat. Run was .5k shorter than Milton Legs felt not good but not horrid either - just wobbly. I found the run tough but other than walking to get water at the turn around I ran/shuffled the whole way - and then DONE
The three best things about today: 1. Cowbell and more cowbell - Mini T being there was awesome - I thought I had wanted to do this and face the fear on my own and asked 2 friends to not come but that cowbell was my focus point during my race. It was also wonderful to sit and have ice cream while watching people play in the water
2. My confidence in doing this triathlon thing is increasing
3. I know I can do more with PROPER (not yo-yo) training.
Lakeside (june 8th) (300m/10K/2k) 53:50 -
TOTAL TIME Age group placement: 7/10
Total race placement: 52/ 95
8:25(over all swim time)
2:49(per 100m)
48(bike place)
26:05 (total time)
23.0 (speed)
15:53 (run total)
7:57 (per Km)
Milton (June 1) (375m/10/2.5K)1.02.09 – total time Age group placement 44/69
Overall swim time (14.59)
Swim per m: 4.003
Bike overall: 29.05
Bike 20.6
Run total 18.05 Km/h (7.15)
Well I did Lakeside Give it a try today. It was a differnet distance than Milton so having a hard time comparing them. I was pretty wound up going to the race but luckily I had a LONG drive to try to bring myself down. Once I got there I was still nervous but was trying to get myself ready to face the swim portion. Last weekend Milton felt like it kicked my ass for sure, and the swim scared me. I signed up for this to get back into the open water swim to not build the fear up too much in my head. I got there did my transition area thing, body marked etc and had almost 2 hours to chill and watch the swim start for the triathlon. I chatted with a few people and then it was time to get ready to get in the water..although I did not want to . It was 75m shorter than Milton. I started closer to the back and a bit off to the side. It was a good strategy as I had people behind me but not close to me- I ended up swimming wide around the markers but that was ok with me. I felt pretty good throughout the whole thing and did front crawl the whole way and did not stop once. I must figure out a way to not let my goggles fog. Out of pool and struggle to get wetsuit off and into running shoes (yes no clipless YET for me) and off I go on the bike. I felt pretty strong on the bike this time and played tag with a few girls- in the end 2 finished before me and 4 after . It was soon over and off the bike and off with the helmet and on with the hat. Run was .5k shorter than Milton Legs felt not good but not horrid either - just wobbly. I found the run tough but other than walking to get water at the turn around I ran/shuffled the whole way - and then DONE
The three best things about today: 1. Cowbell and more cowbell - Mini T being there was awesome - I thought I had wanted to do this and face the fear on my own and asked 2 friends to not come but that cowbell was my focus point during my race. It was also wonderful to sit and have ice cream while watching people play in the water
2. My confidence in doing this triathlon thing is increasing
3. I know I can do more with PROPER (not yo-yo) training.
Mount up!
Well I guess today was a good a day as any to try out the trainer. I got it from a friend in Dec. and finally got it set up and decided to conquer my fear of it.
Fear of what you may ask? Well fear of falling off of it, fear of coming either unclippped or not being able to unclip. Well I am learning that the only way fear goes away is to tackle it. I got up this morning, had half of a Myoplex bar and got changed and got on the bike. (Side note: the benefit of having your trainer at home is that I can workout in my sports bra! I hate feeling hot so that is a bonus...not so much for anyone that can see me though!). Well I first needed to get clipped in properly (Another side note:...learning this skill this Spring when the bike is not stationary is not going to be fun...funNY maybe but not fun) and it took a little bit of maneuvering to get that right. I got on and had to figure out which gear and the whole tension thing. I think I had it on about as easy of a setting as you can go...just one or two higher than that. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! after 10minutes I was out of breath and gasping and just wishing the 20minutes was over. It also felt good to be on it and know that I can just hop on whenever I want (Final side note: It is set up in my living room and will stay there until either company comes or I need to bring my bike somewhere...so it mocks me to get off the couch and get on it....sometimes nicely but other times I swear I hear some not nice mocking!). So 20mins....not good but not bad and it is better than 0 minutes.
I need to workout a schedule but I have someone I am going to work with on that. I just need to find the time to talk to him.
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