Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday March 16, 2009: Oh squats how I HATE thee

Is there such a thing as death by squats? I really think there might be. I think it may have been attempted today, along with wall sits, jump squats, push ups, burpees, squatting shoulder presses etc.
Again I cannot recall all I did but it felt like an hour of torture.
I am sure my knees must be having a discussion asking what on earth I am doing to them.
Yoga tonight: S. said be prepared to sweat...and sweat we did.


  1. Squats..

    Muahhh haaaa!

    Be glad I'm not timing you ;)

  2. You trainers are evil....EVIL I tell you. However I keep going back so, um...what does that say about me?

  3. Oh, how I understand that post, except in my case you would replace death by squats with death by lunges.

    Keep it up!
