Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wed March 4, 2009

Weights and run day
The plan:
My first session with the new personal trainer - 50mins.
Actual: I met up with T. the new personal trainer today. He sure seems like he can work someone out...oh I am in crap. We started with shoulder presses for 30 seconds then putting them down and doing suicides. We did 3 sets of these. Then push ups for 30 seconds and then suicides. Again, 3 sets. He then set up a small circuit of squats, back extensions, and plie type things while doing dumbbell curls. 2 rounds of the circuit. He then set up another circuit of cable rows on the bosu, an ab exercise and flys on the other bosu. After this was wall sits 2 mins then up to do squats on your toes, back to wall sit for 1 min, up to the do toe thing, wall sit for .5min and then toe thing. We ended with some standing side leg lift things.
I then felt bad about missing the rest of yesterdays run so went out and slogged through 4K. I somehow think along the way I forgot how to run. It was pretty demoralizing at some points but I keep reminding myself that I am pretty much a beginner again. I got out, I ran.
Body: left side ITband and piriformis area hurt now..I did some stretches and will do more tonight
OOOOOOhhhhhhhh the road back seems to be a long one.

1 comment:

  1. And you're paying for that?! Just kidding! :p

    Seriously, going for a short run after the strenght training will make you stronger.. or at least, that's what my trainer from a few years ago said to me.
