Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Still going on...

Wed. April 29,2009
Legs and Abs with the trainer.
Cardio came from kicking drills.
sweaty Lesley
hope cast does not stink too much

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First outdoor ride of the season and first time in pedals

Today was the way I was going to get on my bike and try to learn to clip in and out. I got up and had some breakfast, got the bike off the trainer, got on some bike clothes and decided to head out before thinking about it too long. I had not planned on going far so I did not have any bodyglide or cycling shorts on. I am sure that I clipped out way too early at most lights, stop signs, practice stops but I figure better safe than sorry for the first few times. I was feeling pretty good and pretty excited to be out for my first outdoor ride of the season. I am out of shape on my bike but that is ok because that can be fixed with training. There were a few times where I felt I could not keep riding but again that has more to do with my first ride and me needing to put more time in the saddle than anything else. At one point on the way back I was ready to stop and sit for a bit and then I came across McKay Blvd and somehow for some reason (wink wink) I felt a push to go on. I found some great stretches of the road where I did not have to stop too much but practiced clipping in and out - out is by far easier than in but I managed it.
I was coming up to the end of my ride (21.5K) and turned into my condo and the gatehouse guy was putting the gate up and down, up and down so I decided to stop and walk my bike the rest of the way...ya STOP...and forgetting I was clipped in I fell right in front of the gatehouse security guy. He just sat there and then came out of the gatehouse and said "Uh are you ok?" I then explained I had been practicing with my new shoes...and did GREAT ..until now LOL!
Great things: I got out on the bike and enjoyed it - and did not freak out. I fell and did not die of pain or embarrassment.
Not so great: my wrist freaking hurts and is swelling like crazy despite icing.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I guess if you are going to lift

I guess if you are going to lift ...lift heavy.

I should type a really long post 'cause my arms may not work for a long time once the muscle soreness sets in.

Monday, April 13, 2009

New version of training: hopefully temporary

My new training method has a name: Improptu
My new training partner has a name: Colitis

I pray both are temporary.

I ran yesterday 6K.

Friday, April 10, 2009

This week has

Not been my most stellar week. Again I have been having colitis/bowel issues so getting out for a run is not on the top of my list as: 1. I have not been eating that much so energy is low and 2. running seems to, at times, get things going and this is something I do NOT need when my colitis is active.

I was really down on thursday as it took me 4 tries to get to work in the morning due to having to go to the bathroom - but today is a new day and I will try to get out for at least a walk.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday April 8 2009


Tarik tried to kill us today - well at least the upper body. Workout done.
Swim workout was this: 200 w/up - 8x 100m on 6:00, 200 c/down

IBS and training do not mix

Yesterday was supposed to be a run and a swim. Yesterday the only exercise I got was going from the bathroom to couch or bed. It was a rough, rough day. It hit me emotionally as well as physically.

Today is a workout with T., my trainer and then a swim. I woke up feeling not too bad stomach wise and hope it continues so I can get both in. Tonight will be my first swim workout designed by E. instead of swimming laps.

Rough day yesterday but the good thing is that is behind me and a glorious day is before me.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday April 5th

On the schedule for today 5K run and 30min swim.

I did the run. Wearing the IT band is helping. My body seems to remember running a bit more now which is good and I am not fighting my mental negativity as much during my runs:)

I need to my swim still. Swim done - 30mins = 1000m. I kept getting a cramp on my right side just under my breast, like the top of my ribs. If I would breathe on that side it was not as bad but it was enough to slow me down and make me want to stop. I even did 2 lengths with the flutter board just kicking and 1 breaststroke and 1 side stroke until it calmed down a little. Also there were there annoying people who were in the laps lane...a boyfriend trying to teach his girlfriend how to swim. While I applaud their effort I would have appreciated that they not do this in the fitness swim lane,

I am going to post daily to not only track my training but my food as well. In talking with a dietitian it seems that the healthiest I have felt in terms of my digestion and colitis is a low carb, high protein and frequent eating system. So time to play with it and see what happens.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Trainer workout

Did the 45 min workout that E planned for the bike. It was not so easy as I have not been on my bike much AND my tummy hurts today.

Out of all three sports, biking is the one I dislike the most.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Just keep swimming and just keep running...

On the schedule today 30mins in the pool and a 5K run. So hit the Y after work and did 30mins in the pool for 1100m. I need help on my form cause it just feels sloppy but I am glad I got the time in and did front crawl the whole way. It was not super hard but I definitely felt liked I worked in the pool. I felt pretty good about going home to run...then sat in the car for a few minutes and the thought of laying on the couch was a much better option BUT I was determined to do it.

I got home and changed into my running gear before I could change my mind and off I went. It was not too bad - not as painful in the ITB/pirifromis area as it usually is and it feels like my body is remembering how to run- fingers crossed this continues.

All in all- not a bad day for training....not bad at all!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Weights and swim night

Just finished the session with T..again too much to list but there were weights (10 and 15lbs...heavy for now:( )and a bosu ball, discs, and push ups and squats and lunges and some burpee type things and there was very little whining this time. I am trying to be positive and accept the challenges. I have a swim tonight to do but first grabbing something to eat and rest up.